Saving Tips On How To Reduce Fuel Consumption

When we talk about saving on something, some people would think of abruptly stop purchasing these items and then worry about how they could still continue doing their normal routine. Saving does not mean stopping, but rather, to minimize spending. We mostly rely on our own vehicles to get us where we want to go. And for those who prefer driving than use public transportation, you can still be able to save a lot by reducing fuel consumption.

Considering that fuel prices are unpredictable, learning how to reduce fuel consumption can save you money which you can use for other important things. Consumers need to be smart about how to save fuel costs. We do not have control over these prices. And all we can do is to do our share in reducing fuel consumption.

1.     Reduce the number of trips. The use of our vehicles to reach us from point A to B may have been abused in a way because there are places where we can just go by walking. Make it a habit to make a list of all the things that you need to buy so you can do all of then in a single trip. Or if there is truly a need to go out and grab something, consider walking or using a bicycle instead. It does not only save you on fuel, but it also helps you to be physically fit.

2.     Warm-up your car before heading out. Old model cars require to be heated at least for 20 seconds to get the engine warmed up. Don’t warm up your car for more than 30 seconds because it can consume a lot of fuel. Modern cars do not require the extensive length of time that old car models needed to warm up.

3.     Don’t speed up unless it is an emergency. Driving fast may be fun, but as you accelerate, it also consumes more fuel because it needs more energy to drag it up to speed. Learn to drive slowly and keep it steady.

4.     Turn off the engine. If you are waiting for someone to get done dressing up or waiting for the train to cross, it is much better to turn off the engine. Idling is a waste of gasoline and at the same time, contributes massive amounts of pollutants to the air.

Another incident is when one would be staying inside the car while waiting for someone and will be using the air conditioning unit while waiting. Roll down the windows and turn of the engine instead.

5.     Don’t get into the habit of waiting for your tank to get empty. Apart from the possibility that the engine may be affected by sucking in sediments, you may have no choice but to purchase from the nearest gas station which could be selling fuel at a much higher price than usual. Be vigilant on checking which is the best fuel to use for your car.

6.     Get your car serviced regularly to maintain engine efficiency and make sure you’re using the correct engine oil.

7.     Check your tires. Make sure that your tire pressure is appropriate for the type of car you are using. The surface area that’s in contact with the road increases when a tire is under-inflated. The more surface area in contact with the road, the more drag on the wheel. If you are unaware of how to use a tire pressure gauge, go to the nearest gas station and seek help from station personnel in-charge in that area.

8.     Plan your trip ahead. If you and your family plans to spend weekend out-of-town, make sure that you have completely decided where you want to go and you are aware of how to get there. So many people consume a lot of fuel going in circles when going on a short vacation because they do not know exactly where they are going.

9.     Fill up with your vehicle's recommended fuel type. You may think that you are saving on fuel consumption when you choose the least expensive type of fuel. But sometimes, ignoring what is best for your vehicle can end you up with more cost. If your car manual says you should use 'normal' unleaded fuel or another fuel with a not-so-high octane rating, then you should trust it.

10. Take advantage of gas discounts. UniOil has partnered with S&R where you can save Php 3.00 per liter for gasoline and Php2.00 per liter for diesel.

11.  Be a sensible driver. Do not step on the brake and accelerator too many times.

12. If you are using the air conditioning unit at high speed. Open your windows if you are driving at a low speed. Forcing to drive at high speed may cause more fuel consumption because of the car literally needs to drag itself to be able to move faster.

13. Lighten the load of your car. Take out roof racks when you don’t need them. Similarly, all other things which you do not need, you must take them out of the car. When the car is burdened with so much load, it takes up more fuel to be able to move efficiently.

The price of petrol and diesel is never constant. And it is very unlikely that a liter of gasoline would be anywhere near Php 30.00 per liter again just like some 10 years ago. Therefore, it helps to save money on fuel whenever you can. Knowing how much your car is costing you to run is the first step to shaving off a few pesos off your bill.

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